Herbie Hansen, President
Brenda Bates, Secretary
John Parker - Vice President
Carlos Puente - Member at Large
Deyna Gomez - Member at Large
Kendra Soto - Property Manager (non-voting member)


Board Members are selected by the majority vote of a quorum of Homeowners at the annual meeting for a term of one year. Or the existing board members remain if there is not a quorum. It is strictly a volunteer position where they are required to put in a few hours every quarter to attend the board meeting. We have 2 positions on the board available! Contact us if you are interested or come to a board meeting.

President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer are also selected by the majority vote of a quorum of the board for a term of one year and will be members of the Board.

The HOA Board also serves as our Architectural Review Board, headed by the ARB Chairperson which is also elected by the board.

The violations committee is a voluntary committee of the board, composed of homeowners that are not on the board.

Our Property Manager is a non voting member of the board and can be involved in discussions.

Email Board.
Email HOA Manager